


报告人        尹兆华 




报告题目    An easily implemented task-based parallel scheme for the Fourier pseudo-spectral solver applied to 2D Navier-Stokes turbulence

Abstract: An efficient parallel scheme is proposed for performing direct numerical simulation (DNS) of two-dimensional Navier-Stokes turbulence at high Reynolds numbers. We illustrate the resulting numerical code by displaying relaxation to states close to those that have been predicted by statistical-mechanical methods which start from ideal (Euler) fluid mechanics. The validation of these predictions by DNS requires unusually long computation times on single-cpu workstations, and suggests the use of parallel computation. The performance of our MPI Fortran90 code on the SGI Origin 3800 is reported, together with its comparison with another parallel method. A few computational results that illustrate tests of the statistical-mechanical predictions are presented.

报告时间2003年10月28  下午4:00-5:00

