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郑伟英,  所长、研究员

  • 研究方向:

  • 代表作:

    1) L. Li, M. Ni, and W. Zheng, A charge-conservative finite element method for inductionless MHD equations. Part I: convergence, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41 (2019), B796-B815.
    2) L. Li, M. Ni, and W. Zheng,  A charge-conservative finite element method for inductionless MHD equations. Part II: a robust solver, with L. Li and M. Ni, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41 (2019), B816-B842. 
    3) Z. Chen and W. Zheng, PML method for electromagnetic scattering problem in a two-layer medium, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 55 (2017), 2050-2084.
    4) Z. Chen and W. Zheng, Convergence of the uniaxial perfectly matched layer method for time-harmonic scattering problems in layered media, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 48 (2010), 2158-2185.
    5) R. Hiptmair and W. Zheng, Local Multigrid in H(curl), J. Comp. Math., 27(2009), 573-603.
  • 联系方式:

    办公室:中科院数学院南楼729房间 电 话:0086-10-82541735 邮 箱:zwy@lsec.cc.ac.cn