A New Fast Multipole BEM in 2D Elastic Mechanics
The advantage of boundary discretization makes BEM suitable for the simulation of certain structures that have complicated surfaces or interfaces, such as particle-reinforced or fiber-reinforced composite materials. However, the coefficient matrix arising from BEM is always dense and asymmetric, and traditional solution techniques are not efficient for such matrix, making BEM not available for large scale problems. In this paper, a new fast multipole BEM for two-dimensional elasticity is presented, reducing the complexities of both memory and operation to O(N). Thus the computational efficiency is greatly improved. The numerical results show that, the computational cost and memory requirement of fast multipole BEM is more than an order of magnitude lower than that of traditional BEM solvers in two dimensions without losing accuracy, making fast multipole BEM applicable for the simulation of large scale problems on an ordinary desktop computer.
报告时间: 2006年9月20日(周三) 下午4:00--5:00