2025年03月07日 星期五 登录 EN

Two families of $n$-rectangle nonconforming finite elements for sixth-order elliptic equations
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Shuonan Wu, Doctor, Peking University
Shuo Zhang, Associate Professor
Two families of $n$-rectangle nonconforming finite elements for sixth-order elliptic equations
9:00-10:00 April 6 (Thursday), Z311

We propose two families of nonconforming finite elements on $n$-rectangle meshes of any dimension to solve the sixth-order elliptic equations.  The unisolvent property and the approximation ability of the new finite element spaces are established. A new mechanism, called the exchange of sub-rectangles, for investigating the weak continuities of the proposed elements is discovered. With the help of some conforming relatives for the $H^3$ problems, we establish the quasi-optimal error estimate for the tri-harmonic equation in the broken $H^3$ norm of any dimension. The theoretical results are validated further by the numerical tests in both 2D and 3D situations.