10:00-11:00 December 27(Friday), Z301
Xuefeng Liu, Professor, Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Japan
Some problems in solution verification for the Navier-Stokes equations10:00-11:00 December 26 (Thursday), Z311
Yixiao Sun, Doctor, National University of Singapore
Simulation of Spin Chains with off-diagonal Coupling Using Inchworm Method16:30-17:30 December 19(Thursday), Z301
Hao Wang, Associate Professor, Sichuan University
Modeling and Analysis for Blending Type of Atomistic to Higher Order Continuum Concurrent Multiscale Methods12月19日(周四)15:30-16:30,蓝白楼301
高兴誉 研究员(北京应用物理与计算数学研究所)
工程驱动的第一性原理热力学与力学计算16:30-17:30 December 14(Saturday), N219
Xiaomin Chen, Associate Professor, Beijing University of Technology
On the peakon dynamical system of the second flow in the Camassa–Holm hierarchy15:30-16:30 December 14(Saturday), N219
Hongyan Wang, Associate Professor, Renmin University of China
The Semi-discrete KP equation and its periodic solutions14:30-15:30 December 14(Saturday), N219
Kai Tian, Associate Professor, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing
A generalized super Camassa-Holm equation13:30-14:30 December 14(Saturday), N219
Chunxia Li, Professor, Capital Normal University
The non-Abelian two-dimensional Toda lattice and matrix sine-Gordon equations with self-consistent sources10:00-11:00 December 13 (Friday), Tencent Meeting: 964-977-681
Jijun Liu, Professor, Southeast University & Nanjing Center for Applied Mathematics
Double-parameter regularization for solving the backward diffusion problem with parallel-in-time algorithm12月13日(周五)9:00-10:00,腾讯会议:105-972-260
刘文军 教授(北京邮电大学)
高阶复金兹堡—朗道方程解析求解15:30-16:30 December 12(Thursday), Tencent Meeting: 543-340-552
Xiaobo Yin, Professor, Central China Normal University
Asymptotic error estimates of finite element methods for nonlocal problems20:00-21:00 December 11(Wednesday), Tencent Meeting: 202-862-216
Changzheng Qu, Professor, Ningbo University
On the nonlocal \mu-type dispersive Equations